Java Interface and Diamond problem

Java said to be solving the diamond problem using interface.
that is, look into the following program,

Now if you create a new class D extending Class B and C and call the show() method using the object of D, the compiler won’t know which method to call. i.e the show() method of class B or C. So Java does not support multiple inheritance for classes.

So in java the above problem is rectified by using interface.

Now it solved the diamond problem for methods. But still it did not solved diamond problem for variables. See the following program,

Now there is a ambiguous call for the variable i. The compiler don’t know which variable to call. i.e The variable i in Interface B or C.


Big bang theory

Just today I realized the impact of E=MC^2 in big bang theory. Big bang theory suggest that the universe originated with Einstein's formula as base.That is m=E/c^2.

An experiment to prove big bang theory is being conducted in Geneva(Switzerland).

If the big bang have not happened, there would have been no love and hatred.In fact to start with,there would have been no universe first of all.

If there is a starting, there should be an ending.So surely I believe that, the big bang should be followed by a big destruction. Some scientist suggest that the big bang and big destruction are the two phenomenas that occurs in cycle.

If this is true,the universe is being created and destroyed, and this could have happened earlier as well.Still lot of mysteries involving universe.Hopefully it could be uncovered soon in terms of light years. :)

How to delete files that have special symbols as their name?

Hi friends,
I got an external hard disk,and got some movie copied from my friend Surender. Along with the movie i got a file that have special symbols as its name.. I tried everything to delete it, and of course I read all those ideas from Google, but it all never worked.
Then only i got stuck up with the idea of check disk(chkdsk). It is a comment that is used during startups in Windows xp. It is used to remove any discrepancies in file systems. And at last it solved my problem.
So friends if you have such files,try that comment....
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